How much you pay will all determine on what you want from your SEO service
provider. The bigger the project the bigger the budget has to be, SEO and
Adwords go hand in hand and the better your marketing campaign, the better
business you can expect to get from your SEO efforts.
One of the most important factors to always remember is that SEO is a process,
you will not get results over night, or even in a month’s time. You could expect
a bit of feedback within 3 months but much like building muscle and losing
weight, time and effort has to be put in, and offcourse, money.
How big is your company? Are you well known or simply just starting out? What
kind of market are you looking to target? Are you selling a product or marketing
a service? These are all important factors to keep in mind when asking how much
should you pay for your SEO services. If you are just starting out, meaning you
are still relatively unknown, you could expect to be paying a bit more in order
to get your name and brand out there.
There is a difference between what you should pay for your SEO services and how
much you can expect to pay. As previously mentioned, what you should pay all
depends on what you want from your SEO service provider. You have to make sure
that you are paying for proper SEO techniques as well, so be sure to use a
reputable SEO company.